Monday, August 27, 2012
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Sweet Treat today to benefit Ambassadors for Children!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Check out our February Ad in Springfield CARES Monthly Magazine (p.22)!
We'll have a full page article featured in the March issue...stay tuned for that and more exciting announcements!
Sondra Uzzell
Ambassadors for Children
A service agency of the Council of Churches
417-862-3586 ext. 236
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Not Too Early!!

We have well over 1,000 foster children from Greene County, with approximately 250 teenagers, who are often forgotten during the holidays when there's so much focus on young children and Santa Claus.
We provide the teen's first name, age, gender & wish list. You provide the gifts (5 gifts or spend up to $100)!
Sign up now: Sondra ( or call 862-3586 x 236
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Child Abuse is up in Greene County
We are facing a child abuse & foster care crisis in Greene County, MO. This issue has been on our community radar for several years, but we've seen some significant increases recently.
In 2009, there were an average of 780 children in foster care from Greene County. In 2010, that jumped 12% to 874 children on average. Now as of May 2011, we were well over 1,000 children in foster care from Greene County.
Additionally, in 2009 there were an average of 25 children placed into foster care from Greene County EACH MONTH. That jumped to 42 children per month in 2010. We are seeing significant increases in the need for our programs here at Ambassadors for Children as well.
What Can we Do?
- Get Involved
- Support our local Child Protective Services staff
- Raise Awareness at your church, office and within your own family
- Make sure our kids & young adults are equipped with effective coping skills so they can manage their emotions when they become adults
- Become a Foster or Adoptive parent
- Always Hotline suspected abuse or neglect: 1-800-392-3738
Volunteer or donate to an organization that helps prevent child abuse/neglect such as Isabel's House, Parenting Life Skills Center or even Pregnancy Care Center. To take care of our local abused kids, volunteer or donate to Ambassadors for Children (AFC). We focus on providing resources to fulfill needs for local foster children in order to improve their self-esteem and alleviate financial stress for foster parents--which also helps with foster parent recruitment and retention.
AFC provides brand new clothing, free 1-1 tutoring, hygiene items, new coats, shoes, sports registrations, graduation expenses, eye glasses, contacts and MUCH more for these kids. We are supported 100% by donations/volunteers and have served over 4,500 foster children since 1999.
Support Local Child Protective Services Staff
These folks work very hard and are exposed to gut wrenching stories of abuse & neglect daily. They need our community support and are doing the best they can--especially facing these increases. It's better to be too careful than too careless when it comes to child safety!
Adopt-a-Caseworker through Ambassadors for Children. The first program of its kind in Missouri, this program will match you with a local Caseworker & you get to fulfill unmet needs for the kids & families as they are presented to you. It's individualized & highly rewarding. The Caseworkers love it & so do their clients. We have approx. 24 local workers still waiting to be adopted. This program has served almost 1,000 children since March 2009!
Raise Awareness
People need to know about this issue & that THEY ARE NEEDED! This problem will not go away on its own. Churches, businesses & individuals need to step up (and many have done so already). Have Ambassadors for Children make a presentation to your group. Publish something in your church bulletin. Post something on your business website or intranet. Do a clothing collection for foster kids. Collect a donation among your group. Adopt-a-Caseworker or Adopt-a-Teenager in foster care for Christmas.
Equip Coping Skills
If folks know how to cope with their emotions (specifically stress) in appropriate ways, they may be less likely to lash out on children when faces with life stressors such as poverty. Encourage others to believe the best of themselves, help lead them to a place to learn more about spiritual fulfillment if they so choose. Help abuse survivors realize they have the power to break their family cycle of abuse/neglect.
Become a Foster or Adoptive Parent
We desperately need YOU. These kids need a safe place to stay while their parents work through issues to hopefully get their kids returned (if safe). These kids need adults willing to accept them into their family temporarily or permanently if their parents are unable to get them back. Every Child Deserves a Safe and Loving Home. Contact the Greene County Children's Division, Lutheran Family Children's Services or Missouri Baptist Children's Home for more information on becoming a foster or adoptive parent today!
When in doubt, make the call anyway. A child's life may be at stake. Greene County, MO has had the highest number of mandated reporter hotline calls in Missouri. My theory is this is partly due to educating our community on the importance of the hotline.
Ambassadors for Children
417-862-3586 ext. 236
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Soccer & Bras & Basketball--oh my!
We've been VERY busy today! Getting ready for our Advisory Committee meeting tomorrow, making new tutor matches for foster kids & fulfilling Project Self-Esteem requests. We helped pay for 2 little girls in foster care to play soccer, covered expenses for a teen girl in foster care to have a few specially fitted bras & talked to a foster mom about helping her 2 foster kids play basketball & participate in a hunters safety course.
All of these things are Vital to the well-being of children. Involvement in extracurricular activities makes a child 3x more likely to have a G.P.A. of 3.0 or higher (U.S. Department of Education)! Imagine the impact on a child that has been abused or neglected--it's incredible!
We are so proud to be improving the quality of life for the over 1,020 children currently in foster care from Greene County, Missouri. Thanks to all our supporters, donors & volunteers for making it possible:-)
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
We are very proud to have received a renewed $2,000 grant award from the Ozarks Health Advocacy Foundation to provide physical and medical self-esteem enhancing items for foster children through our Project Self-Esteem program!
Potential items we can fund include: eye glasses, contact lenses, eye exams, partial braces down payments, dental costs not covered by Medicaid, infant circumcision costs not covered by Medicaid and developmental disability equipment. All items are for children placed into foster care from Greene County, MO and must be requested by the child's foster care Caseworker.
For more info: Sondra Uzzell, Ambassadors for Children Director
862-3586 ext. 236